Queers in Love at the End of the World

After the text-based game by Anna Anthropy, “queers in love at the end of the world”

all is held
between us / sweat
and dinge of sheets

smog and the scent
of smog / breath
and beaded rain

ceilings leaking into
scratched up pots
fans whirring all day

impossibly holding on
to each other
impossible to only hold

ourselves / woven
together / we are staring
jaw-slacked at the future

burning mountains / already
enclosed between two palms
in the dark

ten seconds is the farthest
we can see
into the future

the world has always
been falling
away from our feet

Jacqui Zeng

Jacqui Zeng's poems appear in Ghost City Review, Black Warrior Review, and Up North Lit, among others. She is a poetry reader and social media editor for Tinderbox Poetry Journal. They received their MFA from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.