Folded Sky


if shame and flame didn’t rhyme,
would shame still flame

what is the fence,
without which there are no wheels

beside another, smaller, pail,
similarly shined but without
stands for wheels,


who’s bringing the water
which part of the fence has burned

in this exhibit of a silver pail
coated inside with mirrors,

this show depends on
proximity & relation &
knots & dimension &
the space inside, outside,
or at/on edges of a knot,
different knot-types, projections ⌘
shame keeps geometries flickering


Shira Dentz is the author of five books including SISYPHUSINA (PANK, 2020), winner of the Eugene Paul Nassar Prize 2021, and two chapbooks including FLOUNDERS (Essay Press). Her writing appears in many venues including Poetry, American Poetry Review, Cincinnati Review, Iowa Review, Gulf Coast, jubilat, Pleiades, Plume, Denver Quarterly, Colorado Review, Idaho Review, New American Writing, Black Warrior Review, Brooklyn Rail, Lana Turner, Apartment,, and NPR, and she’s a recipient of an Academy of American Poets Prize, Poetry Society of America's Lyric Poem and Cecil Hemley Awards, Painted Bride Quarterly's Poetry Prize, and Electronic Poetry Review's Discovery Award. She currently lives and works in upstate NY.