im the fruits of my belabor | I am feeling well!

im the fruits of my belabor

an apple fell’d
on my head now I cnt member
the shape of my breath

take out the apri-
cot i need sumwhere to rest
my drooling sour’d head

just hold out yr pom-
egranate carry us round
for while snot heavy

get yr thumb out my
plum dnt hitchhike yr way out
…i can still c u

dnt think bout the wisps
of indecision in an
orange split in two

i let u pummel-
o the way down to the base
of my fickle bits

i’ll say it til im
blueberry in the face o
pls dnt make me blue

i call for papa-
ya i need help i cnt do
it all by myself

dnt give a lil kum-
quat rite here on the couch go
home n think bout me

i dnt wnt u to
pineapple for me no no
go swim w the fishS

hav u evr stuck rasp-
berries on yr five lil fing-
ertips? gang’s all here

dnt u dare try to
hollow out my only hon-
eydew melon now

i cnt help it if
i cry at the abrupt point
of yr prickly pear

im sry im a
lemon my parts go out one
by one til we’re nuthn

go pour bleach on the
strawberries let us blend in
for once look away

I am feeling well!


Olivia Muenz is an MFA candidate in creative writing at Louisiana State University. She received her BA from NYU and is currently the Nonfiction Editor for New Delta Review. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Black Warrior Review, Salt Hill Journal, Anomaly, Denver Quarterly's F I V E S, The Boiler, Pidgeonholes, Heavy Feather Review, Peach Magazine, Stone of Madness Press, and ctrl+v. @oliviamuenz