Pax Americana

Taylor Swift and uh, the uh
Durability, um, of, uh, those
two words, might (might)


And The Governors (The Governors)
uh, Infra, um, Rebel Province, um
Pax Americana, um, yeah, put that


Poem’s uh, wobbly (starting to), but uh, ok
um, ghost, uh, ship, Ghost Ship
um, goes uh, right uh, here (here)


What do we have so far?
can we, um—fit, no it’s too, uh
do microchips have colorful names?


Ok ok, diplomat, The Diplomat, um
Taylor, uh, Demographic, um
scoot, no, ok—scoot, um, infra (here?)


Rebel Province, that was uh, that
Pax—“a” “x” common, um
Ghost / Ship / Tour (tour?)


Ok zoom out zoom out
what’s with uh, the uh, infra
can we um, feel, still, the uh


Demographics—plural (plural), like
The Lefts, The Rights, plural, um
Diplomat Majorette, ok, yeah


Zoom in zoom in (zoom in)
Xi? Xi (with an “x”) (x!)
how’d that all, um, ok, alright


Durability, uh, let’s uh, lets uh
squeeze, infra, like, um, in, like, uh
Chips? chips are uh, not touring, but um


Taylor, just Taylor, like that
um, Structure, uh, super—no, um, infra
ok, what do we got now?


Oh, Governors, of course, Governors
always fucking Governors
(always fucking Governors)


No no no keep’em, keep’em
you know, keep’em on the uh, Ghost, um
the Ship! away—away from Taylor!


So, um, yeah, pan over the um, the whole
Xi? yeah of course, Xi—in bold
Taylor too, um, you know, They Decide


They Decide, and um, yeah
Demographic something something
ship uh, ship’s um, adrift? drifts

Rodrigo Toscano

Rodrigo Toscano is a poet and dialogist based in New Orleans. He is the author of eleven books of poetry. His latest two books are The Cut (Counterpath, 2023), The Charm & The Dread (Fence, 2022). His Collapsible Poetics Theater was a National Poetry Series selection) His poetry has appeared in over 20 anthologies, including Best American Poetry and Best American Experimental Poetry (BAX). International Best Latino Book Award (honorable mention). Toscano has received a New York State Fellowship in Poetry. He won the Edwin Markham 2019 prize for poetry. @Toscano200